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No, I'm Sure You're Right

If you start to suspect that you've worn out your welcome,
It's a pretty good bet your intuition is right.
If you start to suspect you're gonna bounce that check,
You should probably listen to the accountant inside.
Do the voices in your head get ambitious
And suggest that the rules don't apply to you?
Do you often suspect that you really know best,
Better than everybody else?
Yeah, I bet you do.

Have you come to expect a buffet of pleasures
To be arrayed before you for maximum fun?
Have you come to expect a double dip of that flavor
Only after you've tasted each and every one?
If you believe that the world is your oyster,
What's that make you: a pearl or a parasite?
If you've come to expect everyone to cater to you,
I'd be a fool to argue.
No, I'm sure you're right.
Only a fool would argue.
No, I'm sure you're right.